Unlock Your Inner Creator

I was high on Muppet fever two weeks ago when I wrote my last newsletter about Jim Henson’s movie “Labyrinth.” 

Fears and limiting beliefs are themes I enjoy exploring and sharing from different perspectives.  Being able to do this through a Jim Henson lens was an honour. For reasons unknown at the time, I felt a sense of urgency to write my perspectives on the movie Labyrinth and publish the newsletter on May 17th.  I did not know the significance of the publication date until I finalized the last draft of the newsletter. Jim Henson passed on May 17, 1990 (24 years ago). 

I have contemplated his life and death since the last newsletter. My thoughts get stuck in the same place. What if Jim Henson chose not to create anything? 

What if he was full of fear and decided he couldn't make beloved characters Kermit The Frog, Miss Piggy or Big Bird? What would have happened to the Swedish Chef or Yoda? Would there even be a Baby Yoda? Without Yoda, what would I dream about at night??? There would be no Labyrinth, no Dark Crystal, no Sesame Street, and no Muppet movies, among other things past and present.  

I, for one, am relieved and grateful that he didn't succumb to all his fears. It is possible Jim Henson had similar feelings: fears of being mocked or teased, not being supported or failing. Yet, if he could create by pushing through his fear of trying, I can too.

I am a writer, in part, because of Jim.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer loved to share the story of his reaction after reading Leo Tolstoy’s short story “The Death of Ivan Ilyich.” The main character was filled with regret about his life and, on his deathbed, asked “What if my whole life has been wrong?”. Wayne, in his early years, was so moved by the book’s ending that he made a note to himself: 

“Dear Wayne, don’t die with the music still in you.”

Wayne chose to create a path with this intention as the pillar. He repeated and expanded on this statement in many lectures, books and podcasts. I was fortunate to see him live twice and remember how he articulated the experience as though he was telling the story for the first time. He was a great storyteller and I understood what he tried to share with the world, yet I was not ready to take action. My fears held me back for years. I didn’t understand at the time my fear of getting started, which trumped all other fears. 

Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash

I knew people in my youth who did not live past their 20s or 30s. It was devastating to lose important pillars in my life. And yet, when I think about them, I remember how they shook their foundations to create beautiful things. Some people would have called this reckless living. Looking back I see how they lived a full, creative life in a shorter duration of earth years. 

These friends were fearless, and I was full of fear. I chose to live through them instead of creating my own path. It is possible they were in my life, even if it was for a short time, to teach me subconsciously how to follow a creative pursuit.

“Don't die with your music still in you.

Don't die with your purpose unfulfilled.

Don't die feeling as if your life has been wrong.

Don't let that happen to you.”

~Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

The fear of starting no longer weighs over me. I started. I am allowing the music to come out for the first time in years. The path is sometimes muddy and filthy and dark. I still have fears. I recognize my limited beliefs and do my best to work through them.  Yet, the first step took place.

Today, I write.

Some feedback I’ve received about this newsletter has been how I've motivated others to “consider” a creative path. Or how they are “thinking” about starting something they gave up years ago. I suspect many creators reading this newsletter still label themselves as “aspiring.” 

After thinking about Jim Henson for weeks, and thinking about my journey, may I offer some advice to anyone continuing to contemplate the first step on their creative journey:

Don’t wait.

Drop the label of “aspiring” blankity-blank. 

Just do… or do not (sorry, the Yoda quote is trying to spill out of me!).

Time is short and life can disappear in the blink of an eye. Jim Henson was ill on the 15th of May and died on the 16th. No one expected him to go so soon. Yet he died with no regrets. Wayne Dyer continued to share the music inside him until his death in August 2015. You can wait for weeks, months or years, and may never get to creating. Dwelling on the past, things you could have done but didn’t, will keep your creativity locked in the past. Do not dwell on the future, as in “ if I don't start today I will …”. Tomorrow may never come.

Create today. This may mean either the act of creating or looking for a community or friends to help you get started.

Today, I write.

And I LOVE writing.

What can you do TODAY to start fulfilling your creative endeavours?

And how can I help?

Not a fan of Jim Henson or Wayne Dyer? What is wrong with you… I mean, how about taking advice from a wise old turtle talking to a panda:

“You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present”

~Master Oogway (to Po), quote from 2008 animated movie “Kung Fu Panda” 

How can you not love an animated turtle with a valuable life lesson??? 

I know, it’s no YODA…

I let the music die for some time. I don’t know what my future holds. I strive to live in the present moment with my creative endeavours and keep writing. I am grateful to be able to write daily and share with others. I don’t hold regrets or become discouraged about when I started writing, how long it took me to start, or how long it will take me to fulfill one of my writing dreams. Every day is a gift. I enjoy more moments when living in the present.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

This is the gift I wish to share with you:

Do not feel guilty about where you once were in your creative thoughts or where you want to be.  

Today is a new day. 

I believe in you. It’s time to believe in yourself.

Create something today.

Enjoy your present, fellow creatives. 


You are reading WRITE FROM MY GUT ~ The Newsletter 

#62: TODAY is a GIFT

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