Day 962 = The Good, The Poop And The MEH

Celebrating The Boulders and Pebbles Daily

Today marks 962 consecutive days in my writing journey.

It is fun to reflect on my first steps on the path, making it to Day 100, and being witness to other creative milestones over the years. I find it interesting when I compare the worries I once had when I first began writing vs. the concerns I choose to carry now.

Mark asked how I would celebrate my 1,000th writing day. I didn't know how to answer him. I hadn't thought ahead because I have been trying to live more in the present moment. It is also a milestone I find overwhelming. The pressure is on to reach this milestone… or is it?

Photo by Alex Rhee on Unsplash

Tracking each day seems less important compared to when I first started. At the same time, I don't want to take 1,000 days for granted. I created a writing routine I wouldn't trade for anything. Why not cue the fireworks?

The more I live in the present moment, the more events I find to celebrate along the creative path. On the outside, I enjoy sharing my journey and where it is taking me. 

Inside? It’s one big MEH!

And not in a careless “I don’t give a flying truck about this poop” type of MEH.  It is more of a “Do I have to celebrate this every flippin’ day?” type of MEH.

There is an increase in celebrations as I encounter more creative milestones. Is each milestone important? Do I need to recognize and celebrate each time? 

The answer is YES.

I used to envision milestones only as a few large boulders on the path waiting to be climbed over or pushed aside. Milestones today are plentiful and come in all shapes and sizes, from large boulders to tiny pebbles. Being more aware of the current path and the pebbles being pushed aside relieves the stress of reaching the boulders ahead.

Photo by Christian Holzinger on Unsplash

Why celebrating creative milestones are significant:

✅  Boosts personal motivation and increases productivity

✅  Improves self-appreciation

✅  Motivates others around you

✅  Solidifies the lessons learned

✅  Helps with creating stronger goals, intentions or resolutions 

✅  Allows for closure, when required, for new paths to emerge

Yes, we should celebrate the big milestones. And we should celebrate the mini pebbles. However, we shouldn’t only recognize the good parts of the journey. Poop will happen while on the creative path. Celebrating milestones may involve remembering the poop that brought us to this point. Reflecting on the good and the bad times provides stronger learning lessons.

2024 is my year of POOP, with stinky boulders larger than I would have ever imagined encountering when I first started this journey 2 ½ years ago. If I don’t acknowledge the poop, I would have a harder time recognizing the little pebbles of MEH. I’m not enjoying the poop. Yet I don’t want to forget to celebrate the poop in its stinky way. The lessons I am learning from this poopy year are life-changing and will provide mental fertilizer for what is coming forward. 

Sorting through the pebbles, including my piles of MEH, are having a ripple effect. Celebrating the various sizes of victories, the poop and the pebbles MEH’s encourage me to keep going, one day at a time, toward my larger aspirations.

Photo by Rebecca Campbell on Unsplash

Celebrating should be a way of life when living in the present moment. Why not celebrate the good and the bad along the creative journey without fear? You don’t need confetti, sparklers or a megaphone to shout it out. Do it in the way that makes sense for you. It should feel natural, not forced upon. 

Today I celebrate by sharing this message with you (and to remind myself). If you don’t take the first step, you will never reach the 962nd step. Don’t let the fear of creating, even the fear of starting something for the first time, hold you back from the beautiful adventure that awaits. More importantly, don’t allow fear to hold you back from acknowledging every stone and pebble along the path.

I have yet to decide how to celebrate Day 1,000. The good news is I am not stressing about this future date today. I am busy enjoying Day 962… minus the poop.

Enjoy the celebration, whatever it is today, fellow creatives.


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#70: Day 962 = The Good, The Poop And The MEH

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